CloverSoft – the responsible choice
Tissues and bathroom wipes are consumables which are used in large quantities, by almost every household, every single day, and as such a lot of raw materials are needed to produce them. Traditionally that raw material is a tree, or rather lots of trees! Trees have a slow growth rate; deforestation is occurring at a faster rate than trees can grow so this is not sustainable.
CloverSoft products break away from tradition and use bamboo which has major environmental advantages. Bamboo has an incredible rate of growth up to almost a metre per day making it a sustainable and efficient crop. It requires little or no irrigation and does not require replanting after harvesting.
Consumers are used to seeing bright white tissues and wipes but this also comes at a cost to the environment – the chemicals used in the bleaching process find their way into waterways and the atmosphere. CloverSoft do no bleach their products, consumers receive them in their natural, unbleached form.
As well as being eco-friendly, CloverSoft tissues and wipes are strong, safe for septic use, biodegradable, BPA free and fragrance free.
So committed are CloverSoft to protecting the environment, now and for future generations, that they donate a portion of their sales income to Polar Bears International, an organisation raising awareness of the plight of these magnificent creatures whose habitat is decreasing due to the impact of global warming.
Bestbuy Maldives are able to supply a range of CloverSoft products and in a climate of increasing awareness of environmental matters the need to provide eco-friendly products has never been so important.
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